Social Studies

  1. 2. ended slavery in US
  2. 3. prohibition of alcohol
  3. 7. gave blacks citizenship
  4. 8. first 10 amendments
  5. 10. 5 cities serving as capitals
  6. 11. terrorist organization
  7. 12. the southern wing of Democratic party
  8. 14. to pass
  9. 17. prisoner of war
  10. 18. woman cant vote
  11. 19. forbidding something
  1. 1. needed land to farm
  2. 4. leader of white sticks
  3. 5. wanted war
  4. 6. feeling of pride in a country
  5. 7. gave blacks right to vote
  6. 9. needed equipment to farm
  7. 13. written document
  8. 15. one of the largest movements of people in US history
  9. 16. First black military aviator