- 4. an economic system based on the idea that farms and businesses should be owned in common by the workers who do the labor
- 6. where Truman first took his attention to for the homeless.
- 11. the other world power.
- 13. this union was devastated by the war
- 15. famous speech by Winston Churchill
- 16. when 50 nations met to create a new organization.
- 18. German philosopher
- 19. one of the world powers
- 20. U.S. aid plan designed to promote economic recovery in Europe after World War II
- 1. when Joseph Stalin took power.
- 2. former prime minister of UK.
- 3. the leader of Russia
- 5. born out of the Russian Revolution of 1917
- 7. to become involved in something in order to influence what happens
- 8. the president of United States
- 9. rivalry between Western democracies and the Soviet Union led to this
- 10. were inspired by the writings of a German philosopher named Karl Marx
- 12. the global struggle for power and influence between the United States and the Soviet Union that followed World War II
- 14. the U.S. policy of fighting the spread of communism by limiting it to countries where it already existed
- 17. an economic system based on private ownership of farms and businesses