- 6. Greatest greek warrior
- 7. The witch that forced Odysseus to marry her against his will
- 8. Leader of the Dellian Alliance
- 9. This king NEVER lost a battle
- 13. Athens had a great ____
- 15. Zeus's wife
- 18. This greek warrior brought up the idea of the trojan horse
- 20. miles How far the messenger ran to say "Nike"
- 22. God of the sea
- 24. Won against Athens
- 25. the name of the giant spear Alexander's dad made his men use
- 1. Name of the cyclops Odysseus escaped from
- 2. Athens is named after this goddess
- 3. Greatest trojan warrior
- 4. God of the underworld
- 5. The wife of Odysseus
- 10. This greek warrior tied in a duel with Hector
- 11. Alexander became a king at the age of ______
- 12. Alexander the great conquered lands from Greece all the way to _____
- 14. The _______tried to make Penelope marry one of the _______
- 16. God of war
- 17. Alexander's army decided to have a ______ because they had been at war for 10 years
- 19. The king of the gods
- 21. Penelope challenged the suitors to string Odysseus's bow and shoot an arrow through twelve ________
- 23. The death of this warrior caused Achilles to rage and go back to fight in the trojan war