Social Studies Terms

  1. 3. French Idea of order and progress
  2. 4. Use economy, politics, and culture to control other countries.
  3. 8. Abuse of powe, enforcing strict obedience to authority
  4. 10. changing how things are made, Machines
  5. 12. Rule that consited that poeple from Europe can't enter to LA
  6. 16. Tried to control LA, Use power to get resources from Nicaragua
  7. 17. Look to the future, want to remove power from church
  8. 18. Make Mexico more progressive while his covern
  9. 20. "Europe, Back Off"
  1. 1. Look to past, aprove power to church
  2. 2. Legend that USA has that led settlers to conquere new land
  3. 5. A company that is really big and it benefit itself from other countries
  4. 6. Invaded Puerto Rico and Cuba in 1898
  5. 7. changes or movements of post independence
  6. 9. Term for a country with a corrupt goverment.
  7. 11. UFC workers strike for their rights
  8. 13. President of Mexico, the time period while he covern was called Porfiriato.
  9. 14. French politician, enemy of Benito Juarez
  10. 15. Important country for the US because it proviced acces to LA
  11. 19. Industrialized countries take over other countries to get resources for their benefit