Social Studies-Unit 1

  1. 1. Power/Electricity made from flowing water in rivers
  2. 2. plain where only grasses ad mosses can grow
  3. 6. method of supplying dry land with water on both sides
  4. 8. way a country's people use natural resources, money, and knowledge to produce goods and services
  5. 9. that falls to the ground in the form of rain, sleet, hail, or snow
  6. 11. urban area formed by several cities
  7. 12. or stream that flows into a larger river
  8. 13. Resources/Material found in nature that can be replaced, such as forests
  9. 14. flat area covered with water
  10. 16. portion of water or air that flows continuously in approximately the same path
  11. 18. of available goods and services
  1. 1. storm with very strong winds and heavy rain
  2. 3. snowstorm with very strong winds
  3. 4. earth wall that farmers build to keep water from overflowing over the land
  4. 5. Plate/Huge slabs of rocks or moving plates
  5. 7. Climate/Mild weather that is either too hot nor too cold, with changing seasons
  6. 9. or rolling land covered with grass
  7. 10. that is deep enough and wide enough for ships to steer through
  8. 15. Plate/Underground water that is close to land surface
  9. 17. period of little or no rainfall
  10. 19. Divide/Imaginary line made of high points in the Rockies from the where our nations rivers flow east or west