Social Studies Vocab

  1. 4. A sign of respect or admiration
  2. 10. One of the first and most important Supreme Court cases on federal power
  3. 11. Someone who believes in the type of political system in which states or territories share control with a central government
  4. 12. Four internal security laws passed by the U.S. Congress
  5. 13. Refers to the judicial appointments made by President John Adams
  6. 14. A nation in which the people elect those who make the laws and run the government
  7. 19. The branch of government having the power to make laws
  8. 21. Asserted that states had the power to nullify unconstitutional federal laws
  9. 23. The highest deliberative functions in a government are performed by a council of citizens
  10. 24. The ability of courts to decide whether acts of the legislative and executive branches of government are valid
  11. 26. Settlers rebelling against the liquor tax and protesting
  12. 27. political meeting of leaders or representatives of groups of people
  13. 29. Were a series of writings about the Constitution of the United States
  14. 33. Three out of every five slaves would be counted
  15. 34. The executive branch carries out and enforces laws
  16. 35. The first constitution of the United States
  17. 36. Protests in western Massachusetts against the collecting of land taxes to pay off war debts, which affected farmers.
  1. 1. Persons receive equal treatment from the government
  2. 2. The fundamental principles and laws of a country or state that dictate the government's powers and responsibilities
  3. 3. Makes sure that laws are followed correctly
  4. 5. Having to do with a government system that unifies multiple states under a single authority
  5. 6. An agreement that eased tensions between the United States and the Great Britain
  6. 7. The lower house of a legislative body
  7. 8. The U.S. Supreme Court first declared an act of Congress as unconstitutional
  8. 9. A political incident between France and the United States
  9. 15. Proportional representation in the lower house (House of Representatives) and equal representation of the states in the upper house (the Senate).
  10. 16. To give formal approval
  11. 17. Agreement between Spain and the United States that establishes the US's southern border
  12. 18. A person who opposed the adoption of the U.S. Constitution
  13. 20. An introduction to a document that explains the objective of the document
  14. 22. The highest judicial court in a country or state
  15. 25. The pseudonym used by Alexander Hamilton
  16. 28. An officer elected to lead a group or organization
  17. 30. To ascertain the number
  18. 31. Doubled the size of the United States
  19. 32. The first 10 Amendments to the Constitution