Social Studies Vocabulary

  1. 2. A fence separating two political areas mostly countries
  2. 6. All the inhabitants of a particular town area or country
  3. 7. The government borders for countries, states, and counties. As well as the location of capitals and major cities. They are mostly flat and in bright colors to help identify the edges.
  4. 9. The action or fact of elevating or being elevated
  1. 1. An area or division especially part of a country or the world having definable characteristics but not always fixed boundaries.
  2. 3. A map of the locations of identifiable landmarks on chromosomes
  3. 4. An artificial waterway constructed to allow boats and ships to their destination
  4. 5. A deep intel of the sea almost surrounded by land with a narrow mouth
  5. 8. All the inhabitants of a particular town area or country