Social Studies Vocabulary #5

  1. 2. when newspapers print stories with exaggerated headlines
  2. 4. a telegram from Germany to Mexico that said that if Mexico invaded America, Germany would form an alliance with them and give them territory and money.
  3. 6. a government's strategy for dealing with foreign nations
  4. 10. A ship that blew up in Havana Harbor that triggered the start of the Spanish-American War
  5. 12. the belief that a government should always have a strong military and be willing to use it for defense or promotion of national interests
  6. 13. president of the United States during World War I
  7. 17. the winning side in World War I; included the U.S., Great Britain, France, Serbia, and Belgium
  8. 18. a 40 mile long canal in Panama that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
  9. 19. an international diplomatic group formed after World War I whose main purpose was to settle disputes before they turned into warfare
  10. 20. the losing side in World War I; included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire
  11. 21. a British ocean liner was attacked by a German u-boat and sank; contributed to the U.S.'s entry in World War I
  1. 1. 26th president of the Unites States; also the youngest person to ever become president
  2. 3. outlines of principles of peace by Woodrow Wilson to help end World War I and prevent anything similar from happening again; helped propose the idea for the League of Nations
  3. 5. the loyalty, devotion, and pride one has for their nation
  4. 7. the increase in power by gaining new territory and people
  5. 8. to not join any particular side
  6. 9. Roosevelt's diplomacy that states the readiness to use military force if needed to; intimidates other nations without causing actual harm
  7. 11. a foreign policy that stated that if European nations tried to mess with Latin American countries, the U.S. would interfere to maintain peace
  8. 13. a country that has significant international influence
  9. 14. told European nations that the Americas were no longer open to colonization;stated that no more interference would be tolerated
  10. 15. the union between people, groups, or nations
  11. 16. African-American infantry unit during World War I that spent the most time in combat; did not get the recognition they deserved due to being Black.