Social studies

  1. 3. of Ghenthe peace treaty that ended the War of 1812 between the United States of America
  2. 6. earlier event or action that is regarded
  3. 8. Hawksa person who clamors for war
  4. 11. feeling, principles, or efforts.
  5. 12. review A court can review an administrative action by a public body
  6. 13. TreatyRepresentatives of the United States and Great Britain signedJay's Treaty
  7. 17. DoctrineUnited States policy of opposing European colonialism in the Americas beginning in 1823.
  8. 20. Marshallan American politician and the fourth Chief Justice of the United States.
  9. 21. act or statement,
  10. 22. to a major American political party
  11. 24. PurchaseThe purchase by the United States from France of the huge Louisiana Territory in 1803.
  12. 25. and Sedition Act Four bills passed by the Federalist-dominated 5th United States Congress
  13. 27. rightsThe rights and powers held by individual US states
  14. 28. Rebellion A tax protest in the United States
  1. 1. body of advisers to the president, composed of the heads of the executive departments of the government.
  2. 2. AffairA political and diplomatic episode
  3. 4. is loyalty to one's own region or section of the country
  4. 5. person who advocates or supports a system of government
  5. 7. and Virginia resolutions Political statements
  6. 9. ProclamationA formal announcement issued by U.S. President George Washington
  7. 10. Acta law passed by the United State Congress and signed by President Thomas Jefferson on December 22, 1807.
  8. 14. Treatythe United States and Spain in 1819 that ceded Florida to the U.S. and defined the boundary between the U.S. and New Spain.
  9. 15. act of taking men into a military or naval force by compulsion.
  10. 16. Act of 1789A United States federal statute
  11. 17. vs MadisonA landmark case by the United States Supreme Court
  12. 18. policyA government's strategy in dealing with other nations.
  13. 19. of New Orleansa series of engagements fought between December 14, 1814 and January 18, 1815
  14. 23. Make legally null and void
  15. 26. and Clarkexplored the American Northwest