Social work

  1. 2. The act of becoming involved in a situation in order to help deal with a problem.
  2. 5. He need to take a harmful drug regularly, without being able to stop.
  3. 6. Which allows to see the evolution of the interventions.
  4. 9. People in general, considered in relation to the laws, organizations etc that make it possible for them to live together.
  5. 13. Something successful or impressive that is achieved after a lot of effort and hard work.
  6. 14. Having an important influence on the way someone or something develops.
  7. 16. The way in which two people or two groups feel about each other and behave towards each other.
  8. 17. We use ours ____ to listen carefully.
  9. 18. Based on a combination of social and economic conditions.
  10. 20. Something that you feel or do because of something that has happened or been said.
  11. 21. Relating to schizophrenia.
  12. 26. The scientific study of societies and the behaviour of people in groups.
  13. 28. Technical when one thing is strongly affected by another thing.
  14. 30. The process of getting better at doing something, or getting closer to finishing or achieving something.
  15. 33. To spend time with other people in a friendly way.
  16. 35. The study of the mind and how it influences people’s behaviour.
  17. 36. A group of people who meet to help each other with a particular problem, for example alcoholism.
  18. 37. Do we put ourselves in the shoes of the other by being?
  19. 38. Forms of communication.
  20. 41. It is important to establish a relationship of ____with the client.
  1. 1. The failure of a relationship or system.
  2. 3. The lowest social class, consisting of people who are very poor and who are not likely to be able to improve their situation.
  3. 4. Relating to the health or state of someone’s mind.
  4. 7. A condition in which someone has two very different ways of behaving.
  5. 8. An unfair situation, in which some groups in society have more money, opportunities, power etc than others.
  6. 10. The feeling of not being part of society or a group.
  7. 11. The beliefs, way of life, art, and customs that are shared and accepted by people in a particular society.
  8. 12. A medical condition that makes you very unhappy and anxious and often prevents you from living a normal life.
  9. 15. The scientific study of old age and its effects on the body.
  10. 19. Someone’s family, education, previous work etc.
  11. 22. In Maslow's pyramid, the first needs are the needs of ___.
  12. 23. The process by which people exchange information or express their thoughts and feelings.
  13. 24. A social system in which men have all the power.
  14. 25. The treatment of an illness or injury over a fairly long period of time.
  15. 27. Special treatment to help people stop drinking alcohol or taking drugs.
  16. 29. A separate, smaller, and sometimes less important part of a group.
  17. 31. In social work we want to ___ people.
  18. 32. Each person has principles and _____.
  19. 34. The system by which people are judged in courts of law and criminals are punished.
  20. 39. Worried or frightened about something, and unable to relax.
  21. 40. Unfair treatment of people because they are old.