
  1. 5. Not too hot, but not cool either
  2. 6. Perfume from flowers, scent
  3. 8. When the sun is hidden
  4. 9. When a chick leaves the egg
  5. 10. Another way of saying it's raining
  6. 11. Type of flower
  7. 12. A light rain
  8. 13. The flower of a tree
  9. 15. The smell of clean and new things
  10. 16. When water gathers on the ground
  11. 17. Another type of flower, red
  1. 1. Another word for rabbit
  2. 2. ___ Cleaning - the need to clean your home
  3. 3. The Sunday of Semana Santa
  4. 4. What birds make in the spring
  5. 6. What blooms in Spring?
  6. 7. Current Month
  7. 8. A baby Chicken is what
  8. 13. Light wind
  9. 14. The first day of May