Social Work Month

  1. 1. SW practice with families and small groups
  2. 2. Social workers often provide _____ as patients learn new skills
  3. 6. Social workers practice from a _______ perspective.
  4. 9. Many social workers assist patients with ______ health.
  5. 10. Social workers are concerned with the _____ in their environment
  6. 11. ________is the BHH social services super star
  7. 14. _____ planning is one role of a medical social worker.
  8. 16. moral principles that govern a social worker's behavior
  9. 17. Early social workers were known as _____ visitors.
  10. 19. Social Workers demonstrate ______ competence.
  11. 21. SW practice with large groups and communities
  12. 22. Unlike many fields of care, SW addresses the ______ person.
  1. 1. SW practice with individuals
  2. 3. The SW role of linking patients to resources
  3. 4. A SW who takes crisis call for BHH.
  4. 5. Medical social workers usually work in a/an____.
  5. 7. _____ risk assessments are performed by SW in the ER.
  6. 8. Social workers treat patients with ______ regard.
  7. 10. A BHH employee who serves Hospice, Home Health, and crisis call
  8. 12. the National Association of Social Workers
  9. 13. Assess, ______ intervene, evaluate, terminate.
  10. 15. The role of some social workers, also called Therapist
  11. 18. the professional ___ to inform guides social workers in practice
  12. 20. The month after social work month