Social Work

  1. 3. someone who is addicted to alcohol (alcoholist)
  2. 8. someone who has no job (werkloos)
  3. 10. removing a not wanted baby (abortus)
  4. 11. an adult who gets sexual excited of children (pedofiel)
  5. 13. people who have a temporary or chronic physical or emotional problem (gehandicapt)
  1. 1. someone who wants to kill him or herself (suicidaal)
  2. 2. someone who is hearing voices in their head (schizofreen)
  3. 4. people who are scared to go outside (kluizenaar)
  4. 5. someone who is addicted to drugs (drugsverslaafde)
  5. 6. physical, sexual or emotional maltreatment or neglect of a child or children (kindermishandeling)
  6. 7. the wellbeing of people (welzijn)
  7. 9. someone who is in jail (gevangene)
  8. 12. people who suffer from heavy weight (obesitas)