Sociological Theories

  1. 4. seek to end capitalism
  2. 5. Who disagree with the Marxists because of the economic determinist
  3. 6. Pioneer in developing the chaos Theory
  4. 11. binary opposition to myths and folktales and showed hat narratives are constructed from simpler blocks
  5. 12. Who started the social functionalism
  6. 13. Critical theory what critized because of its passivity, sociology and modern society
  7. 15. system characterized by a greater number of elements
  8. 17. theory that helps to understand society
  9. 18. Where the Critical Theory was developed since 1923
  1. 1. Characteristic of the chaotic system
  2. 2. Certain term used in complexity and is related to different nature of the parts of a system
  3. 3. father of structural anthropology
  4. 7. Has it origins on the ideas of Comte, explain how the conducts is relate to social processes
  5. 8. Society based on agriculture and slavery for generation health
  6. 9. who proposed the theory of the historical materialism
  7. 10. Is developed from chaos theory and represents the body of research on systems
  8. 14. Theory that suggest that it will never be possible to control some types of systems
  9. 16. Who define culture as a pattern(organized system of a system that guide the individuals)