Sociological Theories

  1. 6. The complexity of a system is related to the number of interconnections and its
  2. 7. chaos theory is the study of complex nonlinear systems of
  3. 8. is found in many different kinds of systems such as traffic flows, cell differentiation, population dynamics, and turbulence
  4. 11. he said the systems are
  5. 12. suggest that there is a hidden reality in whole cultural expressions
  6. 14. emerged around the eighties in a field of study in mathematics
  7. 15. is a theory started by Talcott Parsons
  8. 17. marx’s theory is known as Marxism in which the proletariat is the creator of a
  9. 18. is ruled by a mathematical equiation to determinate its behavior
  1. 1. is the theory proposed by Karl Marx
  2. 2. lévi-strauss proposed methodological means of discovering these rules by identifying
  3. 3. means the separation of things that naturally belong together, or antagonism between those who are properly in harmony
  4. 4. set of all interpersonal relationships
  5. 5. is developed from chaos theory and represents the body of research on systems about the systems that have complex characteristics
  6. 9. was developed since 1923 in Germany
  7. 10. studies evolved from the structures of kinship systems and marriage to his study of the structure of the human mind
  8. 13. another representative of the structural functionalism theory is
  9. 16. This approach gave a lot of importance to criticism and