Sociological Theory

  1. 2. set of behaviors, responsibilities, priviledges, and obligations that go along with a status
  2. 7. interactionsim The sociological theory which focuses on how social actors interact and create meaning together (2 words, no space)
  3. 9. __________ stage, where you are "on stage" and consciously or unconsciously trying to influence how people see you.
  4. 11. Last name of the major founder of Functionalist theory.
  5. 13. owners of the means of production, according to conflict thoery.
  6. 15. the status of serial killer is an ___________ status.
  7. 16. Erving Goffman's idea that we consciously or unconsciously try to influence peoples' perceptions about ourselves, objects,or events by trying to control information (2 words, no spaces).
  8. 17. A theory that focuses on interactions; not on the whole society, but on how people interact together
  9. 19. A way of acting, fixed or not, which is general over a whole society (2 words but no space)
  10. 20. the relationship between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat is characterized by this.
  1. 1. the bourgeoisie _____________ the proletariat by keeping some of the value or wealth workers produce.
  2. 3. Charles Horton Cooley's theory that we imagine how others see us, interpret others' reactions, and develop feelings about and respond based on our perception of others' judgements of us (3 words, no spaces)
  3. 4. __________ stage, where you relax and feel comfortable doing what you would not typically do in front of others.
  4. 5. must sell their labor, since the do not own the means of production.
  5. 6. A theory that focuses on how a whole society works; conflict theory and functionalist theory are examples of this type of theory.
  6. 7. you are a stuednt, that is your _______ in this class.
  7. 8. Last name of the major founder of Conflict theory.
  8. 10. the process of learning how to be a member of your society. Starts at birth, if not before.
  9. 12. Metaphore of the stage and acting to explain how society works.
  10. 14. A family, a bank, a college, a hospital are all examples of these (plural)
  11. 18. A status that you are born into.