
  1. 2. curriculum / values or behavior that students learn indirectly over the course of their schooling
  2. 4. theory / a critical view of the status quo, and a dynamic model of historical change
  3. 7. / a perspective that assume organism make practical adaptations to their environments
  4. 13. the mark out / behavior that help others to save face or avoid embarrassment
  5. 14. / the process of replacing previously learned norms and values with new ones as a part of a transition in life
  6. 15. / the ordinary, mundane, everyday
  7. 16. / social life is analyzed in terms of its similarities to theatrical performance
  8. 18. self / a postmodern idea that the self is now developed by multiple influences chosen from a wide range of media resources
  9. 21. / the degree of integration or unity within a particular society
  10. 22. / a group of people who shape their lives in aggregated and patterned ways that distinguish their group from others
  1. 1. / a system of beliefs, attitudes and values that directs a society and reproduce the status quo of the bourgeoisie
  2. 3. self / the notion that the self develops through our perception of other's evaluations and appraisals of us
  3. 5. theory / a contemporary form of conflict theory that criticize many different system and ideologies of domination and oppression
  4. 6. inequality / the unequal distribution of wealth, power, or prestige among members of society
  5. 8. institutions / institutions in which individuals are cut off from the rest of society
  6. 9. mind / approaching the world without preconceptions in order to see things in a new way
  7. 10. / a set of assumptions, theories, and perspectives that makes up a way of understanding social reality
  8. 11. / a disturbance to or undesirable consequence of some aspect of the social system
  9. 12. someone who approaches that world by using reasoning and question to gain deeper insight
  10. 17. / normlessness
  11. 19. / the ability of the individual to act freely and independently
  12. 20. theory / a theoretical approach that look at gender inequality in society and the way that gender structures the social world