
  1. 3. how one lives
  2. 5. a group of people that are outcasts
  3. 8. Smaller sect of culture
  4. 9. Forms of popular culture in the masses
  5. 11. reaction by members of a certain group
  6. 14. a culture with a distinct trait
  7. 15. culture the ideals and beliefs people desire
  8. 20. culture of elite
  9. 21. the spread of culture across the globe
  10. 22. a standard you believe in
  11. 24. culture not represented by material things
  12. 26. government sanctioned rules
  13. 27. hating on one’s culture
  14. 28. The desire to be in a different culture
  1. 1. the standards a society actually has
  2. 2. Modern popular culture
  3. 4. the study of patterns of society that
  4. 6. a trait common to every culture
  5. 7. forcing beliefs onto one’s culture
  6. 10. culture represented by objects
  7. 12. judge based on your culture
  8. 13. categories share similarity but don’t agree
  9. 16. the application of new ideas
  10. 17. how innovation is communicated across time
  11. 18. the impact of moving cultures
  12. 19. traditional behavior
  13. 23. a a rule that find true and put your faith
  14. 25. slower advancement of culture compared to others