Sociology chapter 12

  1. 4. ability capacity for thinking abstractly
  2. 6. education specific curricular programs designed to overcome defiency
  3. 9. education emphasizes difference among gender, ethnic, racial
  4. 11. awards are based on relative performance
  5. 12. schools ran by private companies
  6. 13. placement of students in programs
  7. 16. schools public schools operated like private schools
  1. 1. curriculum non academic agenda that teaches discipline
  2. 2. social status is based on ability
  3. 3. learning relies on cooperation among students
  4. 5. prophecy a prediction that results in behavior
  5. 7. desegregation the achievement of racial balance
  6. 8. schools focus on particular disciplines or areas
  7. 10. curriculum student teacher callboration
  8. 14. bias the unfair measurement of cognitive abilities
  9. 15. schooling education that is provided