Sociology Chapter 7 Vocab

  1. 1. behavior that departs from societal or group norms
  2. 3. a repetition of, or return to, cirminal behavior
  3. 6. rewards or punishments that encourage conformity to social norms
  4. 7. only occasional breaking of norms
  5. 8. behavior that underconforms to accepted norms
  6. 12. deviance that becomes a lifestyle and part of an individual’s identity
  7. 14. the theory that deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve them
  8. 17. an act commited in violation of the law
  9. 19. process of reducing seriousness of the crimes that injure people of lower status
  10. 20. the process of changing or reforming a criminal through socialization
  11. 22. the theory that individuals learn deviance in proportion to the number of deviant acts and norms to which they are exposed
  12. 24. the theory that society creates deviance by identifying particular members as deviant
  1. 2. system comprising institutions and processes responsible for enforcing criminal statuses
  2. 4. behavior that overconforms to social expectations
  3. 5. Job-related crimes commited by high-status people
  4. 9. a method of protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prison
  5. 10. the theory that compliance with social norms requites strong bonds between individuals and society
  6. 11. ways to encourage conformity to society’s norms
  7. 13. discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment
  8. 15. a person who breaks significant societal or group norms
  9. 16. an undesirable label used to deny a deviant acceptance
  10. 18. punishment intended to make cirminals pay compensation for their acts
  11. 21. a social condition in which norms are weak, conflicting or absent
  12. 23. punishment intended to make criminals pay monetary compensation to make up for the finacial damage caused by their acts.