Sociology: Crime & Deviance

  1. 1. achieving wealth and material success
  2. 4. goes against the norms of society
  3. 5. feminist, researched about the control that women experience
  4. 10. criminology has focused on male criminals and researched by male sociologists
  5. 11. the pressure to achieve the goals of society
  6. 12. goes against the law
  7. 13. the right amount of crime benefits society
  8. 14. society’s stereotypes that intentionally or unintentionally discriminate against an ethnic minority
  9. 16. ask people what crimes they have been a victim of
  10. 17. focuses on working class boys who experience status frustration
  11. 18. critical of crime because of the under-reporting of white collar crime
  12. 20. a situation of normlessness in which the norms that regulate people’s behaviour break down
  1. 2. a secondary data source collected and published by the police
  2. 3. young people commit crime to seek excitement and thrill
  3. 6. deviance allows individuals to express themselves in ways that aren’t criminal
  4. 7. critical of crime because of the under-reporting of crimes against women
  5. 8. the way of achieving the goals
  6. 9. criminal behaviour committed by juveniles under the legal age
  7. 15. all institutions in society work together harmoniously
  8. 19. heightened public concern over media coverage