Sociology Extra Credit-- By: Ashley Simmons

  1. 6. Wrote the “ Communist Manifesto.”
  2. 8. Likelihood of obtaining consistent results using the same measure.
  3. 10. A sense of aimlessness or despair that arises when we can’t expect life to be predictable.
  4. 12. The extent to which an instrument measures what is intended to measure.
  5. 16. The outcome that the researcher is trying to explain.
  6. 17. Shared meanings, orientations, and assumptions form the basic motivations behind peoples actions.
  7. 23. This theory states that various social institutions exist to serve some function to keep society running.
  8. 25. Scientists use these to form answers to questions.
  9. 26. A system of concepts and relationships.
  1. 1. A proposed relationship between two variables.
  2. 2. A set of beliefs, traditions, and practices.
  3. 3. The study of human society.
  4. 4. Starts with empirical observations and then forms a theory.
  5. 5. Concerned with social dynamics across the breadth of a society.
  6. 7. Conflict between competing interests is the basic animating force of social change and society in general.
  7. 9. Values, beliefs, behaviors, and social norms.
  8. 11. Starts with a theory, forms a hypothesis, makes empirical observations, then analyzes the data.
  9. 13. Any institution in society that works to shape the behavior of the group or people within it.
  10. 14. Moral beliefs.
  11. 15. A method in numeric form that seeks to obtain information about the social world.
  12. 18. Seeks to understand local interactional contexts; generally including participant observation.
  13. 19. How values tell us to behave.
  14. 20. The belief that one's own culture or group is superior to others.
  15. 21. A questioning of the notion of progress and history.
  16. 22. Established “formal sociology”
  17. 24. Simultaneous variation in two variables.