Sociology - Structuralist Theories

  1. 1. a top down approach
  2. 3. an equal society without social class of class conflict
  3. 4. class of workers who work for wages
  4. 8. agreement on basic values and norms of society
  5. 10. theory that compares structures of society to the human body
  6. 11. founder of functionalism
  7. 12. a particular way of viewing society
  1. 1. theory that views structure of society as determined by means of production
  2. 2. class of owners of the means of production
  3. 5. a perspective concerned with the overall structure of society
  4. 6. those people at the bottom of the class structure, excluded by poverty
  5. 7. society that produces surplus goods for profit
  6. 9. set of ideas and values that represent the interest of a social group