  1. 2. It’s a key which you use to select all a page.
  2. 5. I t’s a machine you can print all documents you need.
  3. 7. It’s for install a new version of software for exemple.
  4. 8. KEY It’s where you can stock files, pictures…
  5. 9. The distance between cells.
  6. 10. You use it to write with the computer. For exemple , right a email.
  7. 11. This is a page with nothing write on.
  8. 12. With this you can go on internet.
  9. 15. PROCESSOR It’s a program where you create documents
  1. 1. It’s when you click on file to see it.
  2. 3. It’s where you live or people use it to send you an email
  3. 4. This is a page where we can find information on the internet
  4. 6. The short cut which is used to cut pictures or text is CTRL+X.
  5. 8. It’s where you can stock files, pictures…
  6. 9. It’s all the parts of computer.
  7. 12. It’s the point wich is moving when you are moving the mouse.
  8. 13. It’s a list with different options.
  9. 14. It’s someone who uses an account on a website.