
  1. 4. "unix-like"
  2. 8. software used to save disk space or network bandwidth
  3. 13. works on several different platforms
  4. 16. programs used to compress and back up important files
  5. 19. firewall software is a type of __
  6. 20. type of utility software that optimizes system resources to improve performance
  7. 21. place where device drivers can be mostly found
  8. 22. another term for multiplatform
  9. 23. required by all information technology to operate
  10. 24. basic software included with operating systems to perform common tasks
  11. 26. makes it possible to install more than one OS at once and choose which one to use
  12. 27. a particular combination of hardware and operating systems
  13. 29. user interface where the user types a series of commands using the keyboard
  14. 30. secures folders, files, and disks
  1. 1. software used to remove malicious viruses
  2. 2. user interface that is operated using a mouse or similar pointing device
  3. 3. allow the user to interact with and operate the computer
  4. 5. type of utility software that __ the OS with the latest security and 'patches'
  5. 6. the OS uses device drivers to __ with the various hardware devices attached to the computer
  6. 7. software used to understand how to communicate with hardware attached to the computer
  7. 9. platform that does not enable you to produce work
  8. 10. OS managed by Nokia
  9. 11. allows some OS to run on multiple types of hardware platforms
  10. 12. optimises hard disk performance by arranging files into contiguous sectors
  11. 14. 90% of desktop computers use this
  12. 15. based on unix, used by 5% of desktops
  13. 17. used by supercomputers and mainframes
  14. 18. options that helped disabled users
  15. 25. place where OS is first loaded when you first turn on the computer
  16. 28. the OS protects __ by isolating programs from each other so one program can't corrupt another program's data