Software Design Complexity

  1. 1. (n1/2) * (N1/n2) is used to get the ?
  2. 7. flow, in Cyclomatic Complexity "V(G)" is what ?
  3. 9. Predictability, Some of the Benefits of Measuring a Software
  4. 11. Risk Mitigation, Some of the Benefits of Measuring a Software
  5. 12. in Cyclomatic Complexity "e" is total number of what ?
  6. 13. The Person who proposed the Cyclomatic Complexity Measure
  7. 15. Length * Log2 Vocabulary is used to get the ?
  8. 17. Value, Some of the Benefits of Measuring a Software
  9. 18. n1 + n2 is used to get the ?
  10. 19. time, Time = Efforts / S, where S=18 seconds. is used to get the ?
  1. 2. Complexity, it is type of measurement that is a graph driven model that is based on decision-making constructs of program such as if-else, do-while, repeat-until, switch-case and “go to” statements
  2. 3. N1 + N2 is used to get the ?
  3. 4. Design Complexity, is a way to describe a specific set of characteristics of your code in your software.
  4. 5. in Cyclomatic Complexity "n" is total number of what ?
  5. 6. Volume / 3000 is used to get the ?
  6. 8. Support, Some of the Benefits of Measuring a Software
  7. 10. Costs, Some of the Benefits of Measuring a Software
  8. 13. Maurice Howard Halstead, The Person who introduced Halstead's Complexity Measures
  9. 14. Difficulty * Volume is used to get the ?
  10. 16. Complexity, it is a type of measurement that depends upon the actual implementation of program and its measures, which are computed directly from the operators and operands from source code, in static manner.