Soil & Weathering

  1. 4. a type of weathering that changes a rock's makeup usually with air, water, or both
  2. 5. small loose pieces of rock
  3. 7. the process by which rocks are broken up to the changing of the temperature of water in the rock
  4. 10. the weathering of rocks that cause the outer layers to break away
  5. 13. a type of weathering that changes that rock's shape and size; also called mechanical
  6. 14. a type of rock created through chemical processes in addition to pressure and temperature
  7. 15. nutrient rich soil created by throwing away food waste and used for gardens
  8. 17. the combination of minerals, air, water and life on top of Earth's crust
  1. 1. a naturally occurring solid formation made from minerals
  2. 2. the process by which rocks become smaller
  3. 3. an inorganic crystal structure made by nature
  4. 5. fine pieces of rock easily carried away by wind and water
  5. 6. a type of rock created by the deposition, compaction, and cementation of sediment
  6. 8. very small pieces of rock that become sticky when wet and can be baked to form bricks
  7. 9. a type of soil with the right balance of silt, sand, and clay
  8. 11. a type of rock created from magma deep in the Earth
  9. 12. a type of weathering that cause the breaking of rocks due to the interaction with living things
  10. 16. the scientific name for anything that comes from life