SOL 5.1 Rounding Decimals

  1. 3. .677 Round to the nearest hundredth
  2. 4. 17.607 Round to the nearest hundredth
  3. 5. 502.4 Round to the nearest whole number
  4. 6. 61.38 Round to the nearest tenth
  5. 9. .543 Round to the nearest tenth
  6. 10. .975 Round to the nearest hundredth
  7. 11. 5.42 Round to the nearest tenth
  8. 13. 5.72 Round to the nearest tenth
  1. 1. 76.19 Round to the nearest whole number
  2. 2. 7.79 Round to the nearest tenth
  3. 3. .109 Round to the nearest hundredth
  4. 4. 1.01 Round to the nearest tenth
  5. 5. 5.63 Round to the nearest tenth
  6. 7. 9.6 Round to the nearest whole number
  7. 8. 4.781 Round to the nearest hundredth
  8. 10. .44 Round to the nearest tenth
  9. 12. .669 Round to the nearest hundredth
  10. 14. .87 Round to the nearest tenth