Solar Cars

  1. 1. panel panel made to absorb energy from the sun
  2. 3. another choice
  3. 5. energy is produced by using diesel instead of petrol
  4. 9. describing something you can see through
  5. 11. cells made from silicon that convert solar energy into electrical energy
  6. 12. another way or another choice
  7. 14. something that contain chemical energy
  8. 15. something used to move people and goods
  1. 1. a chemical element, found in rocks and sand, and used in making glass and transistors
  2. 2. describing something which is made by combining two or more different things.
  3. 4. describing a battery that can be refilled with electric power
  4. 6. something to do with nature and the natural world
  5. 7. a section of a car roof which you can remove to let light in
  6. 8. describing something that can move and bend
  7. 10. energy energy that will continue to be there in the future
  8. 13. something made from living things