Solar cooking

  1. 1. a piece of equipment that is used to cook food.
  2. 3. a piece of kitchen equipment, usually containing an oven, used to cook food.
  3. 4. very thick paper that is usually used for making boxed.
  4. 5. a soft substance used in candles.
  5. 9. a nation that is economically weak but growing.
  6. 10. movable; capable of being carried or moved around.
  7. 14. a scientist who studies very small living things, such as bacteria.
  8. 16. to cause (someone) to stop breathing by squeezing the throat
  9. 17. slowly take in
  10. 18. refers to something that is of or related to the sun
  1. 1. the degree of thickness, softness, etc.
  2. 2. to be carried or transferred by water
  3. 5. is a meeting of people to lean more about a particular subject.
  4. 6. turn from a solid into something soft or liquid.
  5. 7. oe of the people who started an organisation; the first in group
  6. 8. substances that release energy when burned
  7. 9. the cutting down of trees in large areas.
  8. 10. to heat something at a controlled temperature in order to kill disease-causing elements is to......
  9. 11. the way something feels according to sense of taste or touch.
  10. 12. either one of the two organs that people and animals use to breathe air
  11. 13. an agency of the United Nations that works to improve global health conditions.
  12. 15. is a hard, black substance that is burned for energy.