solar system

  1. 5. now is the largest known dwarf planet in the solar system
  2. 6. a machine that is launched into space and moves around Earth or another body in space
  3. 7. number of planets there are in the Solar System
  4. 8. the hottest planet in the solar system
  5. 10. an object that orbits a planet or something else that is not a star
  6. 11. often referred to as the "Red Planet"
  7. 12. the farthest planet in the solar system
  8. 13. our home planet
  9. 14. a planet that spins on its side
  1. 1. objects made of ice, dust, and rocks that orbit the sun They often have a visible "tail"
  2. 2. has the largest ring in the system
  3. 3. Our solar system resides in a galaxy called ...
  4. 4. layers of gases that envelope a planet
  5. 9. center of the solar system
  6. 11. closet to the Sun