solar system 12

  1. 3. the center of the solar system
  2. 8. this is another dwarf planet
  3. 9. this planets moons are named after William Shakespeare's characters
  4. 10. This is a piece of space rock that enters an atmosphere
  5. 12. this is the closest moon to Jupiter
  6. 13. this dwarf is -407 degrees Fahrenheit
  7. 15. the smallest planet
  8. 17. This planet is in the ooart cloud and is four times the size of jupiter
  9. 20. the largest moon in the solar system
  10. 21. we live on this planet
  11. 24. this planet has about 70 moons
  12. 25. This planet has a storm that has winds of 25000 miles per hour
  1. 1. vet another dwarf planet
  2. 2. the closest planet to the sun
  3. 3. This planet is famous for its rings
  4. 4. this dwarf planet is 600 miles in diameter
  5. 5. the smallest dwarf planet
  6. 6. This dwarf planet has a moon called Charon
  7. 7. this is the largest dwarf planet
  8. 11. Jupiter's only moon with water on it
  9. 14. this is an astroid belt that is farther than Neptune
  10. 15. this planet was named after a hawaiian god
  11. 16. This is a space snowball
  12. 18. this planet is nicknamed the red planet
  13. 19. the most cratered moon in the solar system
  14. 22. this dwarf planet is shaped like a football
  15. 23. this dwarf planet is about 1500 miles in diameter