Solar System

  1. 4. The coldest planet in our Solar system is ...
  2. 7. The Sun and a group planets and other space objects that move around the Sun is called as ...sun Sol is the other name to mention the ...
  3. 9. A circular movement of a Planet around its axis is called ...
  4. 10. A ring of light around the sun during total solar eclipse is called....
  5. 12. Earth ... is the movement of the earth around the sun.
  6. 14. Jupiter has four large moons. The biggest moons of Jupiter is ...
  7. 17. The moon looks bright at night because it...the sunlight.
  8. 18. The name of the bigest satellites in Saturn is ...
  9. 19. Mars is also name as the Red Planet. It is because most of its surface are covered by red ...
  1. 1. Venus and Mercury are moonless. The reason is because it has a very week ... force.
  2. 2. Asteroids belt is located between Mars and ...
  3. 3. The darker shadow which becomes smaller as it reaches the Earth is called...
  4. 5. The name of Earth's satellite is ...
  5. 6. sun is a giant blowing gas which consists of ..., Helium, and other element.
  6. 8. The inner planets are made mostly of ....
  7. 11. A large body in space that moves around a star is called ...
  8. 13. When the sun and moon are not aligned, the gravitational forces cancel each other out, and the tides are not as dramatically high and low, it is called....
  9. 15. A year that consists of 366 days is called ... year
  10. 16. the bright and hottest planet is ...
  11. 20. ... happen because of moon's gravity