Solar System

  1. 2. an asteroid is metal and rock while a comet is dirt and _____.
  2. 4. the sun gives off light and heat (energy) when hydrogen turns into _______.
  3. 8. the largest planet in our solar system
  4. 11. the four largest outer gas planets are also known as the _______.
  5. 12. from largest to biggest, you have the universe, then galaxy, then ________, then a planet.
  1. 1. the first planet in our solar system
  2. 3. the order of the planets mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, and neptune.
  3. 5. mercury, venus, earth, and mars are known as the _______ planets
  4. 6. the fourth planet in our solar system
  5. 7. Pluto was called a _______ planet in 2006.
  6. 9. the surface of jupiter, saturn, uranus, and neptune is made up of _____.
  7. 10. a celestial body that orbits a star.