Solar System

  1. 4. - 5th planet (The biggest planet in our solar system)
  2. 5. - Cosmic snowballs of frozen gases, rock, and dust that orbit the Sun.
  3. 7. - A region of space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter where most of the asteroids in our Solar System are found orbiting the Sun.
  4. 8. - 7th planet (Coldest planet)
  5. 11. - 4th planet (The red planet)
  6. 13. - Any massive self-luminous celestial body of gas that shines by radiation derived from its internal energy sources.
  7. 14. - The force by which a planet or other body draws objects toward its center.
  8. 15. - 2nd planet (hottest planet)
  9. 20. - A celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star.
  10. 21. - A regular, repeating path that one object in space takes around another one.
  1. 1. - Move in a circle on a central axis.
  2. 2. - The Galaxy we are in.
  3. 3. - 8th planet (Further-est planet)
  4. 6. - 1st planet (smallest planet)
  5. 9. - The Star of our Solar-System
  6. 10. - The action of rotating around an axis or center.
  7. 12. - Radiant energy emitted by the Sun.
  8. 16. - 3rd planet (Our planet Home)
  9. 17. - 6th planet (Has rings)
  10. 18. - Each of the lines in which light and heat may seem to stream from the sun or any luminous body, or pass through a small opening.
  11. 19. - An imaginary line about which a body rotates.