Solar system

  1. 1. Name of the imaginary line where the Earth rotate.
  2. 3. The planet that is more similar in volume to the Earth.
  3. 6. Known as the red planet. It is the last of the rocky planets.
  4. 8. The seventh planet from the Sun.
  5. 9. When in the north hemisphere is summer in which season are in the south hemisphere?
  6. 12. The planet that is fardest away from the Sun.
  7. 14. The name of the imaginary line that divides the North hemisphere from the south hemisphere is...
  8. 15. When at night you look into the sky and you cannot see the moon is called...
  1. 2. Star that is the center of the solar system.
  2. 4. Planet where we live, is the 4th in the solar system.
  3. 5. Planet known for its rings.
  4. 6. You can see it at nights when the Sun light arrives to it.
  5. 7. The biggest in our Solar system.
  6. 10. The planet that is nearest to the Sun.
  7. 11. When we are able to see all the moon it is called.
  8. 13. It is caused by the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. There are 4.