- 4. the name often given to the four inner planets.
- 6. smallest planet
- 8. a model of the universe in which Earth is at the center of the revolving planets and stars.
- 10. The name often give to the outer planets
- 12. an object that orbits the sun and has enough gravity to be spherical, but has not cleared the area of its orbit.
- 13. a region where many small objects orbit the the sun and that stretches from beyond the orbit of Neptune
- 14. hottest planet
- 16. blue and has clouds
- 18. region of the solar system between Mars and Jupiter
- 20. the system consisting of the Sun and the planets and other objects that revolve around it.
- 1. called the red planet
- 2. A thin disk of small ice and rock particles surrounding a planet.
- 3. the average distance between Earth and the Sun.
- 5. largest planet
- 7. not quite a circle, but an oval shape; the shape of the planet’s orbit.
- 9. an object that orbits a star and is large enough to have become rounded by it’s own gravity, and cleared the area of its orbit.
- 11. known for its rings
- 15. a model of the solar system in which Earth and the other planets revolve around the Sun.
- 17. coldest planet
- 19. planet with one moon