Solar System

  1. 3. / This planet is tilted sideways and spins sideways too
  2. 6. / Planets like Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus and Neptune
  3. 8. / The sun is this
  4. 9. / You use this to see into space
  5. 11. / This is the air that surrounds a planet
  6. 13. / Hottest and biggest star in our solar system
  7. 14. / Our planet
  8. 17. / This is caused by stars in the sky connecting to form pictures
  9. 19. / The force that holds the planets in orbit and keeps us from floating into space
  1. 1. / Comes out at night
  2. 2. / Hottest planet in the solar system
  3. 4. / This machine sends you into space
  4. 5. / The path a planet takes around the sun
  5. 7. / The biggest planet in our solar system
  6. 10. / This planet is famous for its beautiful ring
  7. 12. / Known as the red planet
  8. 15. / Planets like Mercury,Venus,Earth and Mars
  9. 16. / First planet from the sun
  10. 17. / These are almost holes that asteroids make when they hit the moon
  11. 18. / Farthest planet from the sun