Solar System

  1. 3. named after the goddess of love
  2. 4. a machine that is taking photos of far off planets
  3. 7. cold, rocky, and close to the sun
  4. 9. a yellow star at the center of our solar system
  5. 10. first country in space
  6. 12. stars, planets, moons, etc.
  7. 14. name of a planet that supports life
  8. 17. the brain of the rover
  9. 18. rotates around the Earth
  10. 19. what your hair does in space
  1. 1. a job that uses math and creativity
  2. 2. telescope orbiting our planet
  3. 5. first country with a man on the moon
  4. 6. a planet with a huge continuous storm
  5. 8. a machine that is exploring Mars
  6. 11. abreviation for the international space station
  7. 13. a planet with large rings
  8. 15. dwarf planet
  9. 16. animal that orbited the Earth
  10. 18. the red planet