Solar System

  1. 3. Saturn's largest moon
  2. 6. fastest moving planet around the Sun
  3. 7. large storm on Jupiter more than 400 years old is called the ____ ____ spot (two words)
  4. 9. first dwarf planet ever discovered
  5. 10. another name for a moon. Also could be artificial and used for GPS navigation
  6. 13. planet who's orbit is crossed by Pluto
  7. 15. giant storm that was detected on Neptune was the ___ ___ spot (two words)
  8. 18. number of dwarf planets in the solar system
  9. 20. largest crater on Mercury. (two words)
  10. 21. planet with more mass than the rest combined
  11. 24. name of the newest large rover on the surface of Mars
  12. 25. this belt is located beyond Neptune (two words)
  13. 29. largest canyon on Mars. (two words)
  14. 32. largest volcano in the Solar System (two words)
  15. 34. one of the moons of Mars
  16. 35. planet most likely to be visited by humans
  17. 36. only planet with liquid water on its surface
  1. 1. this belt of objects is located between Mars and Jupiter (two words)
  2. 2. moon of Saturn with tiger stripes and ice geysers
  3. 4. dwarf planet with 2 moons
  4. 5. number of planets with rings
  5. 6. dwarf planet with a repetitive name
  6. 7. he discovered Jupiter's four largest moons
  7. 8. number of ice giant planets
  8. 11. the average distance between the Earth and the Sun (two words)
  9. 12. largest moon in the Solar System
  10. 14. Neptune's largest moon
  11. 16. moon of Uranus that looks like it shattered
  12. 17. planet that is greatly tilted
  13. 19. name of the helicopter on Mars
  14. 20. most heavily cratered moon of Jupiter
  15. 22. dwarf planet with 5 moons
  16. 23. dwarf planet whose discovery led to Pluto's demotion
  17. 26. source of light for the Solar system
  18. 27. one of the moons of Mars
  19. 28. name of the division in Saturn's rings
  20. 29. hottest planet in the Solar System
  21. 30. the most volcanically active moon in the solar system
  22. 31. moon of Jupiter that might have life
  23. 33. planet less dense than water