Solar System

  1. 3. Giants Name given to the four outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
  2. 5. A chunk of rock or dust in space
  3. 9. Any object that revolves around another object in space
  4. 11. Earth centered model
  5. 12. Streak of light produced from the sky
  6. 13. objects that revolve around the sun that are too small to be considered planets
  7. 14. A meteoroid that has hit the Earth's surface
  8. 15. Belt The region of the solar system between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
  1. 1. Sun centered model
  2. 2. The attractive force between two objects
  3. 4. The study of the moon, stars, and other objects in space
  4. 6. The path of an object as it revolves around another object
  5. 7. A scientist who studies the universe beyond Earth
  6. 8. Planets Four inner planets Mercury Venus Earth Mars
  7. 10. A ball of rock, ice, and cosmic dust