Solar System

  1. 1. a model that believes that the earth is the center of the universe " earth centered model"
  2. 2. path of one object in space around another
  3. 5. giants, the name given to the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, & Neptune)
  4. 7. Egyptian astronomer , who believed the earth was the center of universe
  5. 8. a scientist who studies the universe beyond Earth
  6. 10. ,objects that revolve around the sun that are too small to be considered planets
  7. 12. any object that resolves around another objects in space
  8. 14. a Greek astronomer, who believed the Earth was the center of universe
  9. 15. a Italian astronomer, first one to create and use a telescope at night to observe night sky
  10. 18. burning meteoroid that shows a streak of light
  1. 1. force of attraction between objects
  2. 3. planets, name given to to the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, & Mars)
  3. 4. a Polish astronomer, who put the sun as the center of the solar system and that the planets revolved around it
  4. 6. a meteoroid that has fallen to earth
  5. 9. a chuck of rock or dust in space or Earth's atmosphere
  6. 11. the study of the moon , stars, and other objects in space
  7. 13. a model that believes that the sun is the center of the universe. " sun centered model"
  8. 16. belt, these are large rocky objects found mostly between the Mars & Jupiter
  9. 17. particles of dust, ice and gases orbiting the sun