solar system

  1. 2. Number of planets in our solar system (spell the number).
  2. 6. Object made of frozen gases that orbits the Sun with very wide orbits.
  3. 7. The asteroid belt is between Mars and _____.
  4. 9. Another name for the gas giant planets.
  5. 10. The gas giants are all in the (inner or outer?) part of our Solar System.
  6. 11. The terrestrial planets are all in the (inner or outer?) part of our Solar System.
  7. 12. Largest object in our solar system.
  1. 1. Another name for the rocky planets.
  2. 3. True or false: The Sun and all of the planets are approximately the same age.
  3. 4. These burn up in our atmosphere to create "shooting stars".
  4. 5. Our solar system formed approximately 4.6 ____ years ago.
  5. 6. Hole created as a result of a meteor hitting the surface of a planet or moon.
  6. 8. When comets come close to the Sun, sometimes a ____ (streak of light behind the comet) can be seen.