Solar System

  1. 3. How many planets have rings in our solar system?
  2. 8. What was the name of the rover that landed on Mars in February 2021?
  3. 10. What was the little pieces of rubber called that caused the Challenger disaster?
  4. 11. What is the name of the inner most ring surrounding Neptune?
  5. 12. What was the first space shuttle launched into space?
  6. 13. What was the name of the space shuttle orbiter that exploded?
  7. 15. Name one of the four inner or terrestrial planets.
  1. 1. First person to enter the Earth's orbit?
  2. 2. Largest planet in our solar system?
  3. 4. What was the first satellite launched into space?
  4. 5. "that's one small step for the man,_________ for mankind."
  5. 6. What color is the planet Mars?
  6. 7. Our Sun and all the planets are part of a galaxy called the?
  7. 9. How many planets are in our solar system?
  8. 12. What is the most famous planet with rings?
  9. 14. What is the only star in our solar system