- 2. Outer planets are also called _____ giants
- 4. Pluto is now this type of planet
- 6. The sun is a ______
- 7. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune are the ___planets
- 9. force that keeps planets orbiting the Sun
- 12. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,are the _____ planets
- 13. spins on its side
- 14. Saturn's rings are made of ___ and dust
- 15. The planet with the Great Red Spot
- 16. Our galaxy is called the ______Way
- 1. sixth planet from the Sun
- 3. the closest planet to the Sun
- 5. This covers 75 percent of Earth's surface
- 8. planet with the strongest wind
- 10. hottest planet
- 11. this means rocky