  1. 2. Outer planets are also called _____ giants
  2. 4. Pluto is now this type of planet
  3. 6. The sun is a ______
  4. 7. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune are the ___planets
  5. 9. force that keeps planets orbiting the Sun
  6. 12. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,are the _____ planets
  7. 13. spins on its side
  8. 14. Saturn's rings are made of ___ and dust
  9. 15. The planet with the Great Red Spot
  10. 16. Our galaxy is called the ______Way
  1. 1. sixth planet from the Sun
  2. 3. the closest planet to the Sun
  3. 5. This covers 75 percent of Earth's surface
  4. 8. planet with the strongest wind
  5. 10. hottest planet
  6. 11. this means rocky