Solar System Concept Crossword

  1. 2. inside most giant planets.
  2. 6. atmosphere gives it a rich blue hue
  3. 8. Quickest orbit around the Sun
  4. 12. consists of 8 planets 4 terrestrial and 4 gas giants
  5. 13. two are still operational
  6. 15. It is slightly smaller than Pluto, but more massive.
  7. 16. has 27 moons
  1. 1. can be sent out in space, but their trajectory must be carefully planned
  2. 3. Extremely thick atmosphere
  3. 4. Largest of the terrestrial planets
  4. 5. Second largest object in the solar system
  5. 7. observe planets from Earth’s surface
  6. 9. “Earth-like”: rocky
  7. 10. giant spheres of gases
  8. 11. Iron on surface
  9. 14. Rings are made of ice and dust