Solar System Crossward

  1. 3. cloud Big collection of gas and dust drifting between stars
  2. 5. planets named for their resemblance to Jupiter
  3. 7. Distant worlds
  4. 8. planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
  5. 10. system where the planets circle each other in orbit
  6. 14. nebula theory The solar system originated from a ____cloud
  7. 15. Limit a planet with 2.44 planetary radii
  8. 17. belt Rocky metallic bodies circling together in orbit
  9. 19. giants Neptune and Uranus are____giants
  10. 20. giants Jupiter and Saturn are_____giants.
  1. 1. It’s not precipitation but it’s___
  2. 2. planet A fake planet
  3. 4. A planet MUCH bigger than earth
  4. 6. Grains tiny dust particles made of heavier elements such as carbon, oxygen, or silicon.
  5. 9. great red spot The most popular part about jupiter
  6. 11. not a asteroid or meteor, but a ___
  7. 12. planets named for their resemblance to earth.
  8. 13. Not a comet but an____
  9. 16. planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars.
  10. 18. another word for pass or move