Solar system crossword

  1. 2. Which planet do scientists think formed first?
  2. 5. The rocky planets are made of chunks of rock and________
  3. 7. Just like humans and animals which may move from one place to another, planets moved closer and further from the Sun in their early lifetime-we call this___________
  4. 9. What do we call planets which orbit other stars?
  5. 11. Our solar system is thought to be about 4.5 ____ years old
  6. 13. What are the rocky leftover pieces of rock in the Solar System called?
  7. 14. Which object was the first to form in the solar system?
  8. 15. Which planet is spinning in the opposite direction to all the others?
  1. 1. Scientists think that perhaps water was brought to the Earth by___________
  2. 3. What are large pieces/the building blocks of planets called?
  3. 4. Our sun formed from a huge cloud of material which was pulled together and planets are kept in orbit around the Sun. Which force is responsible for both these things?
  4. 6. Jupiter swallowed up lots of materials around it-which planet is smaller in size than expected as a result?
  5. 8. Objects which were captured by planets and now orbit around them are called ___________
  6. 10. There are two ice giant planets. Uranus is one, which is the other?
  7. 12. Which planet was knocked onto its side by an impact?