Solar System Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. ____ gas giants have moved near their star
  2. 5. The hottest planet
  3. 8. Accretion of tiny particles creates ____
  4. 9. A planet found in another solar system
  5. 10. Iron, Silicates, and ice condensed in the ____ zone of our protoplanetary disk
  6. 15. Dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt
  7. 19. Light will deflect through bent space due to ____ lensing.
  8. 20. Planets orbit on the sun's ____ plane
  9. 21. Mercury,Venus, Earth, and Mars are the ____ planets
  10. 22. All outer planets have ____
  1. 1. The sun is made of 71% ____
  2. 3. Final stage of planetary formation
  3. 4. When a planet travels in front of its star
  4. 6. This planet has the greatest orbital velocity
  5. 7. Dwarf planet in the Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter
  6. 8. A rotating ____ disk results from the collapse of an interstellar cloud.
  7. 11. The Doppler Method of planetary discovery analyzes light from a ____ star
  8. 12. Small body that orbits a star with an extremely eccentric orbit
  9. 13. Interstellar cloud of gas and dust
  10. 14. This planet's axis is nearly 90 degrees tilted
  11. 16. The ____ cloud is outside the Kuiper Belt
  12. 17. The ___ telescope has found over 1,000 exoplanets
  13. 18. Jupiter,Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are the ____ planets