Solar System Crossword Puzzle (Section 1.0 Vocabulary)

  1. 1. A group of billions of stars, gas ans dust held together by gravity.
  2. 4. Small rocky bodies orbiting the Sun laying mainly in a narrow belt between Mars and Jupiter.
  3. 5. The charged particles that flow out of the Sun at 400 km/s.
  4. 6. The first stage in a star's formation.
  5. 8. The 2 days a year when the day and night are equal length
  6. 9. The remains of a meteor that do not burn up completely and hit the Earth's surface.
  7. 10. A highly dense remnant of a start in which gravity is so strong that light can't even excape.
  8. 11. Objects made of dust and ice that orbit the sun and have bright tails when they get close to the sun.
  9. 13. The gases and dustthat exsit in space between the stars.
  10. 18. A large body of matter that orbits the sun in a well-defined orbit.
  11. 20. Small piece of rock flying through space with no particular path.
  12. 21. The Earth-centered model of the solar system proposed by Aristotle 2000 years ago.
  13. 23. Groupings of stars that form patterns in the night sky.
  14. 26. The oval path that planets travel around the Sun.
  1. 2. Where the Earth passes between the Sun and Moon, casting a shadow on the moon.
  2. 3. The Sun-centered model of the solar system proposed by Copernicus in 1530.
  3. 7. The spiral galaxy that we live in.
  4. 12. A meteoroid that enters the Earth's atmosphere where the heat of friction causes it to glow brightly.
  5. 14. when the moon passes between the Sun and Earth, casting a shadow on Earth.
  6. 15. The distance that light travels in one year (=9.5 trillion km).
  7. 16. A measure of distance used to describe the position of planets relative to the Sun (1 AU = distance between the Earth and Sun = 149 5999 000 km).
  8. 17. How sphere of gas that emits light.
  9. 19. Large clouds of gas and dust in space where stars form.
  10. 22. A natural satellite of a planet.
  11. 24. The longest or shortest days of the year.
  12. 25. The 1.4 million km diameter star in the center of our solar system.